Teachers as Writers: Nurturing the Wanderings and the Wonderings
Saturday, November 23, 2019 12:30 p.m.-1:45 p.m.
at NCTE 2019
With Randi Dickson, Adele Bruni Ashley, Eve Becker and Zack Kronstat
It’s a basic tenet that teachers who teach writing need to write. But how might we create space for the wonderings and wanderings essential to writing? In this hands-on workshop, participants will explore what it means for educators to "just" write. Presenters will share research from a graduate course for pre-service teachers and a biannual writing retreat for practicing teachers, asking: what might happen if we decide that nurturing creativity and joy for teacher-writers isn’t optional? Through multimodal stations, participants will experience elements of both the writing course and retreat as they take up critical questions and issues of teacher-writers.
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